3 Tech Trends You Need to Know

As digital office technology evolves, everyone’s day to day work evolves with it. Soon, employees will engage with artificial intelligence to enhance projects and processes or use blockchain to safely and securely share information.

What tech trends might make their way into your everyday life? Here are three you need to know:

1. Blockchain

Most people know blockchain as the technology that drives cryptocurrency, but it has many other uses. It allows organizations and individuals to share information without that information being copied. This makes it a more secure way to share personal or sensitive information. Fewer copies reduce the chance the information will end up in the wrong hands.

2. Smart Spaces

The use of artificial intelligence assistants, like Amazon’s Alexa or Google’s Home, will eventually grow into the office. Smart spaces connect humans with their environment in real time, allowing operators to interact via voice command and other gestures. The interconnectivity of digital devices is what makes the space “smart.”

3. Biophilic Design

Your office may get an updated look and feel thanks to biophilic design trends. By using natural sounds like running water, organic building materials, earth tones and plants, spaces designed biophilicly are meant to be calming and affirming.

Other office technology trends, like coworking and augmented reality, are sure to pop up as well. Will these improve worker productivity? Only time will tell.