Business Q & A: What Are Managed Print Services?


Managed print services have come through the business marketplace as a simple way to save up to 30% on print costs. Maybe you've heard that statistic before, or perhaps it's new. Either way, managed print services range from supply oversight to print fleet management and can create a comprehensive print and overall cost-saving solution for your business.

Your Questions

So, first up - what are managed print services? Managed print services will analyze your print data to increase visibility, control, and cost management for input and output. Managed print will oversee supply ordering, print use, printer fleets, and print devices to create management solutions that result in cost savings. Next - how do you save money with managed print? By printing less due to better data, purchasing fewer supplies, and creating a more efficient print environment across your office. Finally - how do you start managed print services? Locate a reliable vendor partner, like American Business Center, and talk to the team about what you need, your current print environment, and how you can use print more efficiently in your office.

Answers and Business Solutions

Managed print services provide the answers you need to print issues, like 'why is printing so expensive?' and 'how can we cut our print costs?' Managed print services also reduce the wear and tear due to excessive use on your machines and improve your office sustainability by reducing excess supply use and wasted print materials. The benefits reach all aspects of your office operations.

How to Get Started

Managed print services are a significant boost to businesses that need to streamline costs but don't need to make huge cuts. You'll have bigger savings than expected while building a well-managed, cost-effective print environment. Time to make that your reality - talk to American Business Center today.