Hard Disk Security for Printers, MFPs, and Copiers - What You Need to Know to Protect Your Confidential Information

It’s common knowledge that computers store information on hard disk drives.

What’s not as well known is that some printers and most multifunction printers (MFPs) and copiers also contain hard disk drives that record and store data. Residual data that may remain on the disk after printing, copying, etc. could pose a security risk.

Your confidential data at risk

Recent reports on the CBS Evening News and 60 Minutes demonstrated the security risks to data stored on MFP hard disk drives. In these reports CBS recovered dozens of pages of confidential information stored on MFPs, warehoused in several used equipment facilities.

The purpose of this document is to help Xerox customers become more secure in their knowledge of hard disk security issues and solutions. Understanding the potential risks and safeguards—and the advantages Xerox products provide—will help you prevent the loss of valuable intellectual assets and confidential data.

Download Full Whitepaper: Hard Disk Security for Printers, MFPs, and Copiers - What You Need to Know to Protect Your Confidential Information
